
WebAssembly: A gentle introduction

Talk is cheap. Show me the code.

What is Web?

What is Assembly?

  • WebAssembly = Web + Assembly
  • Bring Assembly to web
  • Assembly for the Web
  • Much more than that!!!

A Tour of Principles of Compilers

What Painful JavaScript Developers Say

Another language, not a new language

But MUCH MORE than that

  • WebAssembly \(\gg\) Web + Assembly!
  • A fast, light weight, secure, cross-platform, scalable solution for virtualization

Second Introduction: Virtualization

Pre-historic: No virtualization

Software virtualization

Hardware virtualization

Container: the game-changing invention

WebAssembly: Another Game-Changer Comes into Play

Third Introduction: Cross Language Interface

When we kiss, we are all C

What can we do

  • High performance Web Frontend and Backend
  • Virtualization
  • Language Interface

  1. Pushing Serverless to the Edge with WebAssembly Runtimes https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9826054 

  2. Wasmachine: Bring the Edge up to Speed with A WebAssembly OS https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9284230